KROOZ® South Africa

The Best Rideshare and Delivery App in South Africa.
Download KROOZ® Driver App
Download KROOZ Driver App - Android KROOZ South Africa iPhone App coming soon

KROOZ® is Dope

Rideshare, Delivery, and Logistics service in South Africa for everyone and all businesses. Enjoy rides within and between cities without compromising your comfort. Book KROOZ® private ride directly to your desire destination in South Africa.

KROOZIN' with KROOZ® in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban, Soweto, Pretoria, Port Elizabeth and surrounding cities are fun and fantastic.

Download KROOZ Customer App
KROOZ® Android Customer App KROOZ® iPhone Customer App

Drive your car or motorcycle with KROOZ® in South Africa as part-time or full-time career and earn potential income.

KROOZ® Driver earn 75% pay per the ride and delivery fee charged to the customer in each of the KROOZ® vehicle & motorcycle type.

NOTE: Please understand the admin fee paid by customers is not calculated in the ride/delivery earning paid to drivers, that's admin fee each customer pays for using KROOZ® platform.

KROOZ® offer 20% annual net profit share to all active driver's in South Africa. The first Transportation Network Company (TNC) that share profit with drivers. That means 20% of KROOZ® net profit in South Africa market will be distributed in December to all active drivers' in South Africa that drove for KROOZ®. TIPS (KROOZ® drivers get 100% of the tips amount received - It's your money, Keep it all).

As KROOZ® independent driver...

  • You are the BOSS.
  • You control your TIME.
  • You earn more MONEY driving with KROOZ®
  • Start KROOZIN with us today!


KROOZ® offer the services of Ridesharing, Food delivery, Packages delivery, and Logistics in South Africa.

Start Kroozin with us today.

For a comfortable ride and delivery service in South Africa. KROOZ® is the best APP for you.



KROOZ® strives to make the world of ride sharing networking resilient and vibrant.

KROOZ® apps allows customers with smart-phones to book safe and reliable ride request and or delivery pick-up from any desire location, then route to krooz independent drivers who uses their own cars, alternatively, moto bike to pick up the rider or delivery and drive to the destination.


  • Take your next ride with KROOZ®

  • Your driver is waiting.
  • Book KROOZ® ride and delivery within and between cities.

  • It's Simple, Affordable and Fun to Commute with KROOZ®.

What are you waiting for?

Start KROOZIN' with KROOZ®

Get aboard with us - Join KROOZ® Driver team today. Download KROOZ® Driver App
Download KROOZ Android Apps KROOZ South Africa iPhone App coming soon

KROOZ® offer the services ...

1). Ride Sharing

2). Food Delivery

3). Packages Delivery and Logistics


KROOZ® Ride Fares in SOUTH AFRICA are preset in USD and will convert to South African Rand (ZAR) when ride request is processed.


Krooz Ride - Moto Bike

(Motorcycle 0-15 years old)

BASE FARE: 5.06 R — $0.28
COST PER MILE: 3.61 R — $0.20
COST PER MIN: 0.65 R — $0.036
SAFE RIDE FEE: 9.07 R — $0.50
Admin Fee: 18.05 R — $1.00

 (if applicable the fees below apply)
CANCEL FEE: 90.27 R — $5.00
AIRPORT FEE: 54.16 R — $3.00
NO SHOW FEE: 90.27 R — $5.00
TOLL FEE: 44.96 R — $2.49
STOP & WAIT: 1.50 R — $0.083 per minute



Krooz Ride - Regular Vehicle

(Economy vehicle 0-15 years)

BASE FARE: 5.42 R — $0.30
COST PER MILE: 3.97 R — $0.22
COST PER MIN: 0.81 R — $0.045
SAFE RIDE FEE: 10.88 R — $0.60
Admin Fee: 22.57 R — $1.25

 (if applicable the fees below apply)
CANCEL FEE: 93.88 R — $5.20
AIRPORT FEE: 55.97 R — $3.10
NO SHOW FEE: 93.88 R — $5.20
TOLL FEE: 46.04 R — $2.55
STOP & WAIT: 1.53 R — $0.085 per minute



Krooz Ride - Large Vehicle

(SUV or Van vehicle 0-10 years)

BASE FARE: 6.14 R — $0.34
COST PER MILE: 4.51 R — $0.25
COST PER MIN: 0.85 R — $0.047
SAFE RIDE FEE: 12.69 R — $0.70
Admin Fee: 23.47 R — $1.30

 (if applicable the fees below apply)
CANCEL FEE: 94.79 R — $5.25
AIRPORT FEE: 59.58 R — $3.30
NO SHOW FEE: 94.79 R — $5.25
TOLL FEE: 46.40 R — $2.57
STOP & WAIT: 1.59 R — $0.088 per minute



Krooz Ride - Vip Vehicle

(Executive cars 0-5 years old).

BASE FARE: 9.93 R — $0.55
COST PER MILE: 5.42 R — $0.30
COST PER MIN: 0.90 R — $0.05
SAFE RIDE FEE: 14.51 R — $0.80
Admin Fee: 25.28 R — $1.40

 (if applicable the fees below apply)
CANCEL FEE: 99.12 R — $5.49
AIRPORT FEE: 63.19 R — $3.50
NO SHOW FEE: 99.12 R — $5.49
TOLL FEE: 46.76 R — $2.59
STOP & WAIT: 1.79 R — $0.099 per minute



KROOZ® Delivery Fees in SOUTH AFRICA are preset in USD and will convert to South African Rand (ZAR) when the delivery request is processed.


Krooz Ride - Moto Bike
Motorcycle Delivery Fees

PICKUP FEE: 18.05 ZAR — $1
DROP OFF FEE: 18.05 ZAR — $1
PER MILE: 3.61 ZAR — $0.20
PER MIN: 0.65 ZAR — $0.036
SAFE RIDE FEE: 9.07 ZAR — $0.50
ADMIN FEE: 18.05 ZAR — $1.00

 (if applicable the fees below apply)
CANCEL PICKUP: 90.27 R — $5.00
EXTRA PACKAGE: 54.16 R — $3
NO SHOW FEE: 90.27 R — $5.00
AIRPORT FEE: 54.16 R — $3.00
TOLL FEE: 44.96 R — $2.49
TIP:   (tip is mandatory - any amount)


Krooz Ride - Regular Vehicle
Regular Vehicle Delivery

PICKUP FEE: 27.08 ZAR — $1.50
DROP OFF FEE: 27.08 ZAR — $1.5
PER MILE: 3.97 ZAR — $0.22
PER MIN: 0.81 ZAR — $0.045
SAFE RIDE FEE: `0.88 ZAR — $0.60
ADMIN FEE: 22.57 ZAR — $1.25

 (if applicable the fees below apply)
CANCEL PICKUP: 93.88 R — $5.20
EXTRA PACKAGE: 57.77 R — $3.2
NO SHOW FEE: 93.88 R — $5.20
AIRPORT FEE: 55.97 R — $3.10
TOLL FEE: 46.04 R — $2.55
TIP:   (tip is mandatory - any amount)


Krooz Ride - Large Vehicle
Large Vehicle Delivery

PICKUP FEE: 31.60 ZAR — $1.75
DROP OFF FEE: 31.6 ZAR — $1.75
PER MILE: 4.51 ZAR — $0.025
PER MIN: 0.85 ZAR — $0.047
SAFE RIDE FEE: 12.69 ZAR — $0.70
ADMIN FEE: 23.47 ZAR — $1.30

 (if applicable the fees below apply)
CANCEL PICKUP: 94.79 R — $5.25
EXTRA PACKAGE: 59.58 R — $3.3
NO SHOW FEE: 94.79 R — $5.25
AIRPORT FEE: 59.58 R — $3.30
TOLL FEE: 46.40 R — $2.57
TIP:   (tip is mandatory - any amount)


Krooz Ride - Vip Vehicle
VIP Vehicle Delivery Fees

PICKUP FEE: 33.40 ZAR — $1.85
DROP OFF FEE: 33.4 ZAR — $1.85
PER MILE: 5.42 ZAR — $0.30
PER MIN: 0.90 ZAR — $0.05
SAFE RIDE FEE: 14.51 ZAR — $0.80
ADMIN FEE: 25.28 ZAR — $1.40

 (if applicable the fees below apply)
CANCEL PICKUP: 99.12 R — $5.49
EXTRA PACKAGE: 61.39 R — $3.4
NO SHOW FEE: 99.12 R — $5.49
AIRPORT FEE: 63.19 R — $3.50
TOLL FEE: 46.76 R — $2.59
TIP:   (tip is mandatory - any amount)


KROOZ® drivers do not accept cash, and they do not carry any cash for safety reasons.
Pay your KROOZ® ride and delivery fees using any acceptable bank card, credit card, debit card, or bank transfer using the KROOZ® Apps. Although, KROOZ® has Cash payment option implemented, for security reason WE DO NOT RECOMMEND customers/ KROOZ® Koozer’s paying with cash.
Moreover, KROOZ® drivers loses money when customers pay with cash as some KROOZ® features example STOP & WAIT may not be calculated in cash payments method.

Transparent Service!

With KROOZ® you'll get to see your estimated ride fare or the delivery fee before booking. Once the trip completes a summary of the trip report will be sent to you via SMS/email address. For transparent transactions count on us.


Request your ride when you are ready to take the trip.

Cancellation Fee Apply.
If you cancel the ride/delivery request once KROOZ driver has been dispatched for pick up, you'll be charged cancellation fee based on the KROOZ vehicle type ordered.

No Show Fee Apply.
When KROOZ driver arrived your pickup location you'll receive a notification text message alerting you that your driver has arrived for pickup. And if you failed to meet with the driver while the driver waited 3 minutes, the trip will automatically cancelled and you'll be charged No Show fee. The cancelled ride cannot be reversed.

However, if you choose to take the trip after the ride is cancelled you will have to request the ride again and being that the driver is already at your location, our system will pair you with the driver again or the next available driver for the trip.

No Drugs, Marijuana/Cannabis, Open Alcohol or Weapon allowed in KROOZ Vehicle.
Under no circumstances is any type of DRUG, MARIJUANA/CANNABIS, WEAPONS OR OPEN ALCOHOL allowed in any KROOZ vehicle. If at any time your driver sees or smells any of the above items they are more than welcomed to stop the trip without return of pay. In addition, a ban may be placed on your account. Visit our policy page to learn more.

Driver's are not allowed to smoke or drink alcohol in vehicle while driving for KROOZ. If such activity exist and is brought to our attention upon investigation, KROOZ will deactivate the driver account.

KROOZ Prohibit any Sexual Harassment.
We do not tolerant any sexual harassment towards KROOZ customer/rider aboard by any KROOZ driver. All KROOZ drivers are expected to behave and render service professionally. If such an incident is reported to us, the KROOZ driver account will be SUSPENDED and BLOCKED, and legal action could proceed.

We appreciate you considering your trip with us.

About us

KROOZ® a ride-share transportation network company (TNC), a technology transportation social network dedicated to providing suitable, alternatively comfortable, reliable ride-sharing service, food delivery service, and hot-shot packages delivery service via our interactive mobile applications. The company was established to offer transportation services, delivery services, hot-shot packages delivery service, courier service, transportation logistic service, food delivery service, and ride sharing services using our interactive Android and iPhone mobile Apps. In addition to the transportation of passengers both local, statewide and national. And all related transportation, delivery, courier, and logistics businesses.

KROOZ® apps allows customers with smart-phones to book safe and reliable ride request and or delivery pick-up from any desire location, then route to krooz independent drivers who uses their own cars, alternatively, moto bike to pick up the rider or delivery and drive to the destination.

KROOZ® does not SURGE charge customers like our competitors; we believe Price SURGING is a RIP-OFF and an act of exploiting customers.

KROOZ - Rideshare

KROOZ® HQ and offshore brance offices located at:


P. O. Box 741564
Dallas, Texas 75374. USA.
Tel: + 1 (844) 44 KROOZ


3rd Floor, 120 Baker Street
London, England, W1U 6TU.
Tel: + 1 (844) 44 KROOZ

KROOZ Technology, LTD.

1199 West Hastings Street, Suite 700.
Vancouver BC V6E 3T5. Canada.
Tel: + 1 (844) 44 KROOZ

KROOZ Technology, LTD.

Lagos, Nigeria.
Tel: + 1 (844) 44 KROOZ

KROOZ Limited.

Nairobi, Kenya.
Tel: + 1 (844) 44 KROOZ

KROOZ Network, PLC.

Delhi, India.
Tel: + 1 (844) 44 KROOZ

KROOZ® Websites: | | | | | | | | | | | |